by Helen Medland | Dec 10, 2018
VARIOUS ARTISTS CO-PRESENTED WITH CONTACT SAT 05 OCTNIAMOS, WARWICK STREET, MANCHESTER, M15 5EU From the grand auditorium to hidden studio spaces, TAKEOVER PARTY presented a vibrant and packed evening of performances, spoken word, music, provocations, digital...
by Helen Medland | Dec 10, 2018
BERNADETTE RUSSELL & ROB KENNEDY SAT 05 OCTHULME GARDEN CENTRE As part of our weekend TAKEOVER of Hulme, Bernadette Russell & Rob Kennedy will be hosting a Sign of the Times workshop workshop and installation, open and suitable for all ages. You are invited...
by Helen Medland | Dec 1, 2018
HUNT & DARTON (UK) SAT 05 OCTHULME PARK, STRETFORD ROAD, M15 4ZY Hosted by the deadpan duo Hunt & Darton, Radio Local is exactly: local. It’s built with, by and for local people, telling their stories, sharing their news and playing their jingles. For...
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