This podcast is brought to you by SICK! Digital as part of SICK! Festival 2019, recorded at our End of Life Symposium on 28th September 2019.
In this day of conversation and discussion, we invited audiences to join clinical practitioners, academics, artists and those with profound personal experiences of end-of-life care, to explore the emotions and ethical dilemmas that they have to address when confronting death head-on.
This second panel of the day was entitled “The Sanctity of Life” It explored approaches to the sacred inside and outside clinical settings. At the end of life, many people feel a strong need to reaffirm the sanctity of life, but what does this mean to people, and how do they express it, in an increasingly secular society? How can these feelings find a place in the context of a busy, clinical setting?
This session was chaired by Tim Harrison, Creative Director at SICK! Festival, and features:
Siddiq Diwan: Chaplain at Central Manchester & Manchester Children’s Foundation Trust
Scott Turnbull: Former Funeral Director, Artist
Joanna Rosenfeld: Artist
Funded by Oglesby Charitable Trust.

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