call out for a freelance creative photographic facilitator
SMASH, is a creative social prescribing project that offers participants a range of creative and innovative experiences
One of the elements of SMASH is EXPLORE; A guided programme of creative walks that uses photography and creative writing to encourage people to look differently at their environment. Participants will explore the ways in which their environment affects their mental health, exercising whilst connecting with people from their neighbourhood with similar experiences. The culmination of this process will be public photographic exhibition in the community showcasing images taken and developed through the walks.
SICK! is looking for an exciting and diverse photographic artist facilitator to deliver this creative process with men from North Manchester. The Artist will lead creative walks in the participants chosen locations equipping them with photographic skills to document their neighbourhoods. Exploring aspects of their relationship between green spaces and mental health, finding visual representations in natural environments that might reflect this. All walks and workshops will take place in North Manchester.
The process will consist of a series of walks with men from the community. Following this the Artist will lead 3 sessions with the group to collate images taken and, curate the exhibition with them. The exhibition will be presented in December 2022.
All Participants are referred into EXPLORE through a variety of Greater Manchester Mental Health services in the community. Our Creative Producer and a dedicated Mental Health practitioner will be present throughout delivery of all walks and workshops in the process to offer support, continuity and to help maintain a safe working environment for all involved.
Submission Process
To apply please send a brief statement outlining your experience in relation to the project and your practice, no more than 1 side of A4. Please also supply previous examples of your work.
Please send all submissions to
Deadline for submissions is 16th September 2022. Interviews will be held between 20th– 22nd September 2022
A fee of £3000 inclusive of all planning, delivery, and evaluation.
To find out more about SMASH please visit –

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