Tammy WhyNot is in town and she’s on a mission to ask all the difficult questions, talk to those who really know and find out the truth about sex, and all its associations, at midlife and beyond. Part performance, part chat show, What Tammy Needs to Know About Getting Old and Having Sex was developed in collaboration with older people in Brighton, drawing on their (very) personal stories and experiences. Whatever the media might suggest, sex is certainly not just for the young and the photogenic.
Tammy WhyNot is a former famous country and western singer turned performance artist all the way from the US of A. She is also the creation of artist, writer, director, scholar and activist Lois Weaver. Tammy will present a unique, specially developed performance to share her exploration into aging, desire, pleasure and intimacy. In preparation for the show, Tammy investigated her subject using a series of workshops and public interventions with local elders, generating stories and recruit participants for the show. The show also features special guest appearances by Tammy’s many well-known artists friends.
Lois Weaver lectures in Contemporary Performance at Queen Mary University of London and is an independent performance artist, director and activist. She was co- founder of Spiderwoman Theatre and the WOW Café Theatre in New York City and Artistic Director of Gay Sweatshop Theatre in London. Lois has been a performer, director and writer with the Split Britches Company since 1980.
‘Lois Weaver is a playful pixie of performance art.’ NY Times
BRIGHTON – The performance was followed by a short presentation and post-show discussion with Professor Lynne Segal (Professor of Psychology & Gender Studies, Birkbeck University of London), in conversation with Lois Weaver exploring the themes of sex, sexuality and ageing.
MANCHESTER – The performance was followed by a short presentation and post-show discussion with Dr. David Lee (Age UK Research Fellow at the School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester) , in conversation with Lois Weaver exploring the themes of sex, sexuality and ageing.
The Old Market (BRIGHTON)
Tammy Whynot

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