9/03/15 – MANCHESTER
Sex, Cancer and Cocktails – an in-home conversation about doing it during treatment…
Cancer and pleasure: two words that rarely party together, until now. Sex, Cancer and Cocktails is a performance event mixing Ann Summers and Tupperware parties with expert information, intimate sharings and a radical perspective on illness and feeling (or not feeling) sexy. Facilitated by Wellcome Trust Public Engagement Fellow Brian Lobel, and featuring presentations by a sexual health doctor and a cancer nurse, this evening, behind closed doors, will inspire and challenge the way we think about our bodies.
Sex, Cancer and Cocktails was a free event with a limited capacity. In order to ensure a range of perspectives, we asked audiences to describe their relationship to cancer when submitting a ticket request. In treatment, out of treatment, post treatment, scared of treatment, never in treatment, all perspectives are critical to making this evening the most fun you can have in your own living room.
Sex, Cancer and Cocktails took place in a real person’s home, somewhere in Brighton and Central Manchester respectively.
“a show that is deeply touching in more ways than one” Lyn Gardner, The Guardian on An Appreciation
BRIGHTON – Presentations by: Dr. Ali Mears, Consultant Physician at St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS. Beth McCann, Adolescent Clinical Nurse Specialist.
MANCHESTER – Presentations by: Dr. Ali Mears, Consultant Physician at St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS. Prof. Jackie Stacey, Centre for the Study of Sexuality & Culture, University of Manchester.
The Wellcome Collection as part of the Sexology Collection

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