Two generations, Father and Son, confront each other on stage, telling the story of their relationship through their two, very different bodies: A 62 year-old therapist with no dance experience and a 31 year-old choreographer.
A journal of personal events is revealed, shared through the lines of the skin and the shapes of two bodies tied by blood and their stories. An intimate shared choreography responds to the limits set by the disease and the differences of age and youth. Limitations become opportunities to tell the two stories and shine a light on the moments that make existence memorable.
Parkin’son is a memorial and a manifesto, an exorcism of that which haunts past, present and future.
The performance was followed by a post-show discussion on Parkinson’s disease, giving an insight into the clinical features of the disease and its effect on the lives of those with the condition with Dr. Adam Harper, Consultant Geriatrician, Royal Sussex County Hospital and Giulio D’Anna chaired by Bobbie Farsides, Professor of Clinical and Biomedical Ethics at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
South East Dance
The Basement
Officina Concordia
Civitanova Casa delle Danza
Giulio D’Anna

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