The Metropolitan Police call him a Domestic Extremist.
The NHS have labeled him as Schizophrenic, Bi-Polar and more recently Borderline Personality Disorder.
‘A real and present threat to the safe running of our lawful business’ is how E.ON described him at the Royal Courts of Justice.
He prefers the term Mental.
After 10 years of being an outlaw and inpatient, artist activist ‘the vacuum cleaner’ presents an autobiographical performance told through his psychiatric records, police intelligence files and corporate injunctions collected through the Data Protection Act.
This show contained material some may find challenging, and is not suitable for people under the age of 16.
‘the vacuum cleaner is one of the most significant and exciting artists working in the UK today. Blurring the boundaries between art and audiences and between performance and politics, the vacuum cleaner’s work not only gets people thinking about things, but actually doing things to effect social, cultural and political change.’ Lois Keiden, Director, Live Art Development Agency
The Vacuum Cleaner

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