
Our Supporters

Helping SICK! Productions achieve our ambition

SICK! Festival works with many third-party groups and organisers to bring our projects to life. It’s because of these that we are able to reach more people and help spread awareness of mental health support with our projects.

The Arts Council

We are delighted to be part of Arts Council England National Portfolio 2023-26, which provides vital core funding.

The Arts Society

Are supporting a new project working with young people around issues of violence.

Big Life Group

Are supporting a men focused pilot of the arts based social prescribing programme, SMASH.

Local Care Organisation

Are supporting a men focused pilot of the arts based social prescribing programme, SMASH.

Finnish Institute

Having supported us since 2018, the Finnish Institute are this year supporting us to develop “Never, Forever, Always” into a full-length art video game.

Heritage Fund

Are supporting us to explore local heritage as part of the Moston Lane Shutters Project.

Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council OMVCS are supporting SMASH, our arts based social prescribing programme, from 2023 to 2026.

Pilgrim Trust

Are supporting a Women & Girls focused version of SMASH, our arts based social prescribing programme, from 2023 to 2026.
Oglesby Charitable Trust
Are supporting us by providing a strategic core 5-year grant between 2020 and 2025.

Manchester Integrated Care Partnership

Are supporting a new inclusion commission that will co-produce a new work of dance theatre with disabled young people.

Postcode Neighbourhood Trust

Are providing core funding towards the role of Creative Producer.

Greater Manchester High Sheriff’s Police Trust

Are supporting a new project working with young people around issues of violence.

The Leche Trust

Are proud supporters, helping SICK! Productions achieve their ambition.

The Granada Foundation

The Granada Foundation are supporting SICK! Festival 2024 commissions.

Three Monkies Trust

Three Monkies Trust are supporting a new inclusion commission that will co-produce a new work of dance theatre with disabled young people.

M3 Industries
Are supporting SICK! Festival with the build of the SAFE installation and the design of the Mindgames gaming day as part of SICK! Festival 2024.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Are supporting SICK! Festival with the next phase of the mindgames project in partnership with the UK government.

The Workers Education Association

Are supporting SICK! Festival with the next phase of the mindgames project in partnership with the UK government.