Location: North City Library (931 Rochdale Rd, Manchester M9 8AE)
Date: Saturday 25th May
Time: 11am, 1pm, 3pm
Duration: 1 hr

Let’s Talk About Cough: One In Ten
A listening experience and discussion exploring chronic cough conditions.
Let’s Talk About Cough: One in Ten shares moving personal stories with a fascinating journey into the mysteries of the human body. You will be gently guided through an imaginative, powerful and evocative soundscape and invited to walk in the shoes of people deeply affected by a complex and misunderstood condition.
Inside your body, in every moment, there are millions of messages being sent and received. For the most part, these signals stay silent, under the threshold of your awareness. But for one in ten people the signals bubble over and the sensations explode. For one in ten people, their everyday experience is threatened by a physical reflex, that for most of us, is a minor irritation.
Chronic cough affects one in ten people worldwide and around 12% of the UK population. It can have a debilitating impact on people’s lives but is persistently dismissed and trivialised as ‘just a cough’.
Let’s Talk About Cough is a participatory public engagement project that aims to raise the profile of chronic cough by sharing diverse stories, knowledge and perspectives in creative ways. Created by the participants and collaborators, Let’s Talk About Cough is led by the University of Manchester and Imperial College in collaboration with Vocal.