SMASH! OPEN: Hoarding / Landfill of Memories by Susana Amato
Location: No. 93 Wellbeing Centre (93 Church Ln, Manchester M9 5BG)
Date: Friday 31st May
Time: 10:30 – 12:30pm
Duration: 2 hrs

Image Credit: Holly Revel
Hoarding / Landfill of Memories
Landfill of Memories workshop by Susana Amato, challenges misconceptions about hoarding and tackles her own struggles armed with a shredder. Susana, a self- described hoarder since the age of 8 has kept a shrine of memories after she experiences a life shattering bereavement. In this workshop you are invited to bring personal items along and get them shredded!
This event is being presented as part of SICK! Festival’s SMASH! OPEN programme. An introduction to our SMASH! year-round mental health arts programme which aims to help to improve how you feel and provide opportunities to meet others facing similar challenges.